

It’s not just our cards that can have the personal touch.

Make their day with a gift especially for them. Add a name, photo and more..

Personalised Gifts



It’s not just our cards that can have the personal touch.

Make their day with a gift especially for them. Add a name, photo and more.

Personalised Gifts

How it works


Find the gift

We’ve got loads of gifts you can personalise. From glasses and tankards to wall art and cushions, there’s something for everyone – and they’ll know it was chosen especially for them.

From personalised names to photo uploads, choose a gift perfect for any occasion.

First, log in
Find your gift

Find the gift

We’ve got loads of gifts you can personalise. From glasses and tankards to wall art and cushions, there’s something for everyone – and they’ll know it was chosen especially for them.

From personalised names to photo uploads, choose a gift perfect for any occasion.

Find your gift
First, log in

Add a name

Many of our gifts let you add a name and personalised message. Click the yellow highlighted boxes and the Text to appear boxes to type.


Please make sure you get the spelling right – we can’t accept returns on personalised gifts.


Add a name

Many of our gifts let you add a name and personalised message. Click the yellow highlighted boxes and the Text to appear boxes to type.


Please make sure you get the spelling right – we can’t accept returns on personalised gifts.

First, log in

Add a photo

If the gift you’ve chosen has a photo upload options you can upload from your device, or directly from Facebook.

Click the highlighted area and follow the onscreen instructions to upload. You can edit photos onscreen to get the best effect. Zoom in and out. Reposition. Rotate. You can even add cool filters to give your gift a professional touch.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo with us, you can find it in My Uploaded Photos to use in the future.

First, log in
Pick your gift

Add a photo

If the gift you’ve chosen has a photo upload options you can upload from your device, or directly from Facebook.

Click the highlighted area and follow the onscreen instructions to upload. You can edit photos onscreen to get the best effect. Zoom in and out. Reposition. Rotate. You can even add cool filters to give your gift a professional touch.

Once you’ve uploaded a photo with us, you can find it in My Uploaded Photos to use in the future.

Pick your gift
First, log in

Time to preview

Once you’re happy with your personalisation you can preview your gift by clicking on

Confirm and preview

Different gifts have different limits on the number of letters or words you can use. The character limit can be found beneath each text box.

If you would like to make any changes, just click edit.

First, log in

Time to preview

Once you’re happy with your personalisation you can preview your gift by clicking on

Confirm and preview

Different gifts have different limits on the number of letters or words you can use. The character limit can be found beneath each text box.

If you would like to make any changes, just click edit.

First, log in

...and you're done

Once you’ve previewed how your gift is going to look, you’re all done. Ta-daaa! There’s your handiwork. Well done, you!

All that’s left is to click Add to basket and then make your way to the checkout! Just click on

View basket First, log in
Pick your gift

...and you're done

Once you’ve previewed how your gift is going to look, you’re all done. Ta-daaa! There’s your handiwork. Well done, you!

All that’s left is to click Add to basket and then make your way to the checkout! Just click on

Pick your gift

Good to know

Good to know

Remember, we can’t accept returns if you make a mistake with your personalisation. Please check and then double-check so you’re sure you’ve got it right.

Celebrate all life’s moments with cardfactory

Buy great value personalised cards, gifts, balloons, gift wrap and party supplies online at cardfactory. Find everything you need for any occasion in one place. Have the products you need delivered to your door, or use our handy Click & Collect service and pick them up from your nearest store.

Whether you’re shopping for birthdays, weddings, special anniversaries, or a new baby, we have what you’re looking for online at great prices. Look out for our special offers, too. Enjoy great deals on your favourite cardfactory products all year round. *For all offer terms and conditions, please click here.